Atelier Eau’DyssĂ©e – La Fresque de l’Eau

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

À l'occasion de la journĂ©e mondiale de l'eau, l'association Eau'DyssĂ©e vous invite Ă  venir dĂ©couvrir les enjeux liĂ©s Ă  l’eau, sa disponibilitĂ©, ses usages, ainsi que la sensibilitĂ© face au […]

Café & Croissant at The Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Friday from 10 am, join for a café-croissant and a good talk at the Hub's cafeteria. No need to register

Sweet Market

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. BergiĂšres 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Le Sweet Market est un grand marchĂ© artisanal qui a pour but de regrouper les crĂ©ateurs et crĂ©atrices de la region. Lors de cet Ă©vĂ©nement, vous trouverez des crĂ©ations cousues, […]


4 Heures At The Hub

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub's cafeteria !   No need to register :)

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month […]


Optimize your potential by managing your stress!

Impact Hub Geneva - Boardroom Rue de Fendt 1, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Experiencing a heavy workload and looking for ways to boost your energy and performance? Search no more! Charlotta will support you in finding suitable methods that are easy to implement […]


Sexy Salad

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Can Sustainability Be Sexy?

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

The sustainability discourse is often dominated by science, policy & activism. What about the rest of us ? How is it relevant for my everyday concerns ? Come to this […]



Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. BergiĂšres 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Venez dĂ©nicher de petites merveilles lors de cette bourse aux minĂ©raux et aux fossiles ! Les exposants Plus de 40 exposants, amateurs ou professionnels, proposent selon leurs spĂ©cialisations : minĂ©raux […]


StorySpark – Storytelling Night about Second Chances

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

StorySpark is a great place to hear and tell personal stories in front of a live audience. This event will be in English with the theme of the evening “Second Chances”. Doors […]

4 Heures At The Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub's cafeteria !   No need to register :)

Bump-in & Learn ⎼ April Edition


💬 What if we reinvent virtual meetings?! Join and discover a new way to network with Remotely Green & its co-founder Maciej GƂadki during the next Bumpin&Learn session!🚀 đŸ’„During this […]

Coffee and Croissant by Fongit

The SDG Solution Space – Campus Biotech Innovation Park, Av. de SĂ©cheron 15, 1202 GenĂšve

You're invited to join us on Thursday 13 April from 09:30 - 10:15 AM for the April edition of the CafĂ©+Croissant! This monthly event brings together the entire Fongit team […]


Core Connection Training

Impact Hub Zurich

The current challenges push us to fundamentally reconsider our way of life and work. We are called to pause, (re-)align with our values and develop new competencies to transition to […]

on website

Inauguration de la Halle 18–Beaulieu Circulaire

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. BergiĂšres 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

ExpĂ©riEnCe – 2Ăšme Ă©dition Semaine pour la transition de la Suisse vers une Ă©conomie circulaire   Selon le Circular Gap Report Switzerland, l’économie suisse n’est que 6,9% circulaire alors qu’elle […]

Selon l'activitié

Circular Economy National Demo Day 2023

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. BergiĂšres 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

We’re thrilled to announce that after receiving over 80 impressive applications, we’ve selected 32 outstanding ventures to join the Circular Economy Incubator for 2022/2023! Over the past 3.5 months, these […]

SHIFT Vaud 2023

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. BergiĂšres 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

SHIFT Vaud 2023 se renouvelle Ă  Beaulieu en collaboration avec Impact Hub Lausanne pour la deuxiĂšme Ă©dition suite Ă  l’évĂšnement pilote de mai 2022.   Il s’agit d’un espace de […]

CHF20 – CHF60

Bump-In & Learn – May Session


How to create a sustainable design industry There is much mentioned about sustainability, but how can we practically change an industry? Marc Gervait, Chief Design Officer of Aldesso AG, will […]

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month […]


Le futur est entre nos mains

Bloody Bar, GenĂšve Cornavin

Impact Hub Geneva s'associe au Bloody Bar et au Perception Change Project de l'ONU pour organiser un cycle de conférences et d’échanges sur le thème du développement durable, entre la […]

Atelier 2 tonnes World Ă  Lausanne

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. BergiĂšres 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Vous voulez agir pour le climat ? L'atelier 2tonnes vous donne les clĂ©s pour passer Ă  l'action de façon ludique et pĂ©dagogique ! Face Ă  l’urgence climatique, on se sait […]

CHF15 – CHF30

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month […]


Re-inventing Organisations

John Knox Centre – Chemin des CrĂȘts-de-Pregny, 27 | 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Geneva 27, chemin des CrĂȘts-de-Pregny, Grand-Saconnex

Re-inventing Organisation is a dynamic and immersive workshop that allows you to experience and embody the evolutionary stages in organisations. Integrating the principles outlined in Frederick Laloux’s book, the workshop […]

more info on the website

Festival GenĂšve Durable par Bubble Ethic

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Pour la journĂ©e internationale du commerce Ă©quitable et la fĂȘte des mĂšres le 14 mai 2022 rejoignez-nous au Festival GenĂšve Durable par Bubble Ethic, dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la consommation responsable. L’association […]

4 Heures At The Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub's cafeteria !   No need to register :)

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month […]


Stop2drop – Collecte de mĂ©gots Ă  GenĂšve

Parc des cropettes Rue Baulacre, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Le Mois Sans Tabac, en partenariat avec l’ONG Stop2Drop organise une action de sensibilisation contre les mĂ©gots de cigarette que l'on retrouve partout par terre en Suisse. Cette action fait […]


Focus Groups Challenge Hack with GreenUP

Impact Hub Geneva

Attention all university students! Are you ready to make a positive impact on the environment and have some fun doing it? Join us for a unique opportunity to contribute to […]

Plateforme de financement participatif IMPACT SIG

Maison Internationale des Associations Rue des Savoises 15, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Tout savoir - ou presque - sur le financement participatif ! Se lancer dans une campagne de financement participatif ou “crowdfunding”, qu’est-ce-que ça veut dire ? À quoi cela sert-il […]


La physique quantique, moi et toi aussi

Impact Hub Geneva

Chroniqueur et vulgarisent les principales dĂ©couvertes scientifiques-physiques de Newton Ă  nos jours. nous allons contempler la dynamique du progrĂšs scientifique. Une bataille incessante, insensĂ©e mais passionnĂ©e d'en savoir plus comprĂ©hensible, […]

free price

Experiential Movement Lab Geneva Workshop

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Experiential Movement Lab Geneva, in collaboration with Impact Hub Geneva, are pleased to invite you to an onsite workshop on 31 May at 18h30. This is the first of a […]

4H At The Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub's cafeteria !   No need to register :)

Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month […]

Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Café-Croissant at the Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Friday from 10 am, join for a breakfast and a good talk at the Hub's cafeteria. No need to register

Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month […]


L’intĂ©gration des rĂ©fugiĂ©s

The Bloody Bar - Pl. de Cornavin 7, 1201 GenĂšve

Impact Hub Geneva s'associe au Bloody Bar et au Perception Change Project de l'ONU pour organiser un cycle de confĂ©rences et d'Ă©changes sur le thĂšme du dĂ©veloppement durable, entre la […]

Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Inno Food & Co

BCF Arena,5 Chemin Saint-LĂ©onard, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

DÉLAI D'INSCRIPTION : VENDREDI 09 JUIN À 17H00   *Early bird - Membres : 20 places disponibles, dont 2 maximum par entitĂ©; **Early bird - Non-membres : 10 places disponibles, […]

CHF90 – CHF190

International Automotive Recycling Congress

Geneva , Switzerland

Calling all youth leaders & start-ups in the automotive CE industry! Don't miss out on the chance to learn, grow and showcase your innovations! You will have the opportunity to […]

VinoKilo @ Impact Hub Lausanne

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. BergiĂšres 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Le shopping durable s'est encore amĂ©liorĂ© ! Rassemblez vos amis et rejoignez-nous pour une journĂ©e de vintage dans une atmosphĂšre relaxante, avec VinoKilo !   Retrouvez-nous au Impact Hub Lausanne […]


Hub’s 4h

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria !   No need to register 🙂

Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Café-Croissant at the Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Friday from 10 am, join for a breakfast and a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria. No need to register.

Workshop – Summer Makeup

Impact Hub Geneva - Study Room

L'Ă©tĂ© arrive Ă  GenĂšve, quel plaisir! Axelle Tarroux, Hubonaut au Hub et ConseillĂšre en Image vous invite Ă  un cours de maquillage d'Ă©tĂ©. Tu ne te maquille pas beaucoup ou […]

CHF60 – CHF80

Atelier Fresque du Numérique

Impact Hub Geneva - Petit Salon Rue de Fendt 1, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

La Fresque du NumĂ©rique est un atelier ludique et collaboratif avec une pĂ©dagogie similaire Ă  celle de La Fresque du Climat. Le but de l'atelier est de sensibiliser et former […]


Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards. Price: 10.- for Hub members / […]


Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards. Price: 10.- for Hub members / […]


Afterwork – The Big One! & Scaling Benchmark Result

MĂŒhlebachstrasse 162/164, 8008 ZĂŒrich

Join Peakora for their afterwork on the beautiful roof terrace of the Starmind Office in Seefeld for a presentation of the results of the Scaling Readiness Report, in which more […]

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards. Price: 10.- for Hub members / […]


Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]


Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Friday from 10 am, join for a breakfast and a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria. No need to register

4h at the Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria !   No need to register 🙂

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards. Price: 10.- for Hub members / […]

Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Free Coworking Friday

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Do not know what to do this summer!? We have a good deal for you: Bring your friends at the Hub for the FREE Coworking Fridays and enjoy together the joy of coworking […]

Café-Croissant at The Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Friday from 10 am, join for a breakfast and a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria. No need to register Everybody is welcome!


Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria !   No need to register 🙂

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards. Price: 10.- for Hub members / […]

Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Free Coworking Friday

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Do not know what to do this summer!? We have a good deal for you: Bring your friends at the Hub for the FREE Coworking Fridays and enjoy together the joy of coworking […]

Café-Croissant at The Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Friday from 10 am, join for a breakfast and a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria. No need to register Everybody is welcome!


Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria !   No need to register 🙂

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards. Price: 10.- for Hub members / […]

Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Free Coworking Friday

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Do not know what to do this summer!? We have a good deal for you: Bring your friends at the Hub for the FREE Coworking Fridays and enjoy together the joy of coworking […]

Café-Croissant at The Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Friday from 10 am, join for a breakfast and a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria. No need to register Everybody is welcome!


Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria !   No need to register 🙂

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards. Price: 10.- for Hub members / […]

Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Free Coworking Fridays

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Want to try the joy of coworking?! We have a good deal for you: Bring your friends at the Hub for the FREE Coworking Fridays and enjoy together the joy of coworking every Friday […]

4h at the Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria !   No need to register 🙂

Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Free Coworking Fridays

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Want to try the joy of coworking?! We have a good deal for you: Bring your friends at the Hub for the FREE Coworking Fridays and enjoy together the joy of coworking every Friday […]

Café-Croissant at the Hub

Every Friday from 10 am, join for a breakfast and a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria. No need to register Everybody is welcome!

4h at The Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Every Monday at 4pm, enjoy a piece of cake & a good talk at the Hub’s cafeteria !   No need to register 🙂

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate!  Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards. Price: 10.- for Hub members / […]


Sexy Salad

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Join for a moment of sharing ! Each Wednesday, the Sexy Salad welcomes everybody (members & non-members) for lunch. You can enjoy delicious dishes from our Hubonauts at small price […]

Entrepreneurial Leadership Afternoon

Impact Hub Basel – Horburgstrasse 105, 4057 Basel

Interested in the Entrepreneurial Corporate Culture? Join us to hear experiences and best practices from working with over 300 selected corporate leaders and startup entrepreneurs, and to take the first steps in […]


Fongit Café + Croissant

Fongit HQ, Rte de la Galaise 34 (6th floor) – 1228 Plan-les-Ouates

This monthly event brings together the entire Fongit team and leading entrepreneurs from our innovation nation. It's the perfect opportunity to find out what's been going on in the Geneva […]

Free Coworking Friday

Impact Hub Geneva & Lausanne

Want to try the joy of coworking?! We have a good deal for you: Bring your friends at the Hub for the FREE Coworking Fridays and enjoy together the joy of coworking every Friday […]

Fongit Espresso – The Power of Personal Branding


Join for an online Fongit Espresso on the topic of "The Power of Personal Branding: Essential Strategies for Startup Success" with keynote speaker Claudia Miclaus on the 5th of September […]

Free Coworking Fridays

Impact Hub Geneva & Lausanne

Want to try the joy of coworking?! We have a good deal for you: Bring your friends at the Hub for the FREE Coworking Fridays and enjoy together the joy of coworking every Friday […]

Mastering Money: Unleash Your Financial Potential

Impact Hub Geneva - Boardroom Rue de Fendt 1, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

 Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Join us for a transformative 2-hour workshop designed to help you master your relationship with money, set up a budget […]

Monthly Movie Night at The Hub

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

Grab a friend and join for the movie night at the Hub! Every month we are screening a movie from a different culture, in original VO with subtitles đŸŽ„đŸŒŽÂ followed by […]

Free Coworking Fridays

Impact Hub Geneva & Lausanne

Want to try the joy of coworking?! We have a good deal for you: Bring your friends at the Hub for the FREE Coworking Fridays and enjoy together the joy of coworking every Friday […]

Dīwān (The Human Library)

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

––––– Français ––––– Le DÄ«wān est de retour pour le 20 septembre ! Chers amis et partenaires d'Humanisthme, Nous sommes ravis de vous convier Ă  notre nouvelle Ă©dition du DÄ«wān qui se tiendra […]


Digital Asset Evolution

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

In the rapidly evolving world of digital assets, it's crucial to understand the trajectory from where we began to where we're heading. Dive deep into the transformative journey of ICOs […]

Free Coworking Fridays

Impact Hub Geneva & Lausanne

Want to try the joy of coworking?! We have a good deal for you: Bring your friends at the Hub for the FREE Coworking Fridays and enjoy together the joy of coworking every Friday […]

La physique quantique ou Ă  quoi bon faire l’effort?

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, GenĂšve, Switzerland

En plongeant dans l'histoire de la science moderne de Newton Ă  nos jours, nous allons chroniquer une bataille incessante, insensĂ©e mais passionnĂ©e d'en savoir plus, d'en avoir un vision plus […]

Free Coworking Fridays

Impact Hub Geneva & Lausanne

Want to try the joy of coworking?! We have a good deal for you: Bring your friends at the Hub for the FREE Coworking Fridays and enjoy together the joy of coworking every Friday […]