
Le voyage commence ici

Geneva Business School & online

Le vendredi 29 avril 2022 , vous êtes invité au Sommet mondial sur les objectifs de développement intérieur pour découvrir comment nous pouvons desserrer les freins au progrès humain, tant […]

The Journey Starts Here

Geneva Business School & online

On Friday 29 April 2022, you’re invited to the Global Inner Development Goals Summit to learn how we can release the brakes on human progress, both individually and collectively. This […]

Diversity & Inclusion Workshops – Values and Trust (session2)

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève

Connecting to the greater good: Leading with personal and professional values that enhance inclusivity * This workshop will be give in french, too, during the afternoon of the same day. […]

CHF210 – CHF280