SIA Workshop | Business Modelling
30 March 2017 - Geneva

Untitled-2-2I’ve introduced the SIA (Social Impact Award) Switzerland, which aims to provide and equip young people with the knowledge, skills and networks needed to help solve complex social and/or ecological problems facing our society.

Now it’s time for the SIA Business Modelling Workshop, hosted on April 5 at 5pm (17:00).

Join Impact Hub Geneva Team Member Elsa and co-facilitator Cynthia, who led an awesome master exercise at our SIA Kick-Off event, for this fun and engaging learning opportunity!  If you haven’t registered to participate in SIA Switzerland yet, you can do it here.  The last day to apply is May 28, 2017.


Who is this workshop for?

Participants in the SIA Switzerland only need to meet the following requirements:

  • all members of the team must be between the ages of 14 and 30 years old (born between 1987 and 2002).
  • ideally, teams must be at least 50% composed by registered students (for winter 2016/17 and/or summer 2017).
  • the team must have an intensive approach to its work.
  • the team may have begun to work on its idea intensively at the earliest on January 1, 2016. The application is open for ideas not yet implemented as well as projects in the first phase of implementation.
  • the submitted project must not have received any previous financial and/or professional support, ie: monetary support formalized by one or more external parties or exceeding CHF 3’500 in value (eg. investment angel, grants, cash prizes, etc.).
  • the project should not have already participated in a comparable incubation program.

What are the benefits of attending?

At this workshop, you’ll learn:

  • what a business model is.
  • how to articulate your venture’s business model.
  • information that will help you improve or edit the business model for your venture.

Also, you’ll be able to practice pitching your idea/venture and get to know some of your like-minded peers!

I want to participate!

Great! This French-speaking (English friendly!) workshop will be held on April 5, 2017 at 5pm (17:00) at Impact Hub Geneva.  Just make sure you have registered to participate in SIA Switzerland by April 5th to participate in the workshop and we’ll see you there!

For more information about SIA Switzerland, visit the website and get updates on the Impact Hub Geneva Facebook page!