Re-inventing Organisations Workshop

John Knox International Centre 27, chemin des Crêts-de-Pregny, Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland

Good morning Genava Hubbers, from ImpactHub KX, London!   On Thursday 6th October, we are running our workshop, Re-inventing Organisations, in Geneva offering a highly experiential learning journey on the principles outlined in Frederick Laloux’s book. The idea is to bring alive, with live music and movement, the extraordinary insight that organisations change as human […]


BumpIn & Learn

Online Event

Welcome to our Swiss Wide Impact Hub Community new format “BumpIn & Learn” : Every first Tuesday of every month (11:30-12:15), meet your swiss community, hear a short input from a member and have the opportunity to discuss further this monthly topic within the call.   Join us on Tue. 6th September, for a discussion […]

Session d’information #MoisSansTabac

Online Event

Qu’est ce que le #MoisSansTabac concrètement? Quels soutiens vous sont proposés pendant 1 mois? Qui est derrière ce programme?   Nous répondrons à toutes ces questions et toutes celles que vous pouvez avoir lors de cette session d’information en ligne. Vous aurez l’occasion de rencontrer l'équipe de coordination, les experts de la prévention, les tabacologues […]

Cocktails & livestream of TOP 100 Swiss Startup Award 2022

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

We want to bring together the ImpactHub community on Wednesday 7th of September from 18:00 CEST for cocktails and to watch the Livestream of TOP 100 Swiss Startup Awards 2022. It's a perfect opportunity to get to know each other while enjoying cocktails and seeing inspiring startups. When: Wednesday 7th of September from 18:00 CEST […]

Blockchain and Cardano for Impact – Workshop


This virtual workshop will focus on how entrepreneurs can benefit from the use of blockchain for their impact ventures. The potential of blockchain for impact is often unknown, however, impact projects based on blockchain are proliferating quickly tackling issues from climate change, to access to education and healthcare, and increasing transparency of processes and fundraising […]

SINGAdvance – The SINGA Social Impact Investment Network

L'Espace, Genève

SINGA Switzerland will be launching the first social impact investment network for migration-led ventures in Switzerland - and you can be part of it ! If you are an entrepreneur, impact investor, philanthropist or changemaker and you want to contribute to SINGA's mission and support our activities, join us on the 14 September in Geneva. […]

Les Conversations carbone en Ville de Genève – Ouverture des inscriptions !

Genève, plusieurs lieux

Conversations carbone en Ville de Genève : ouverture des inscriptions !   Vous habitez la Ville de Genève vous êtes sensibles aux enjeux climatiques, l'envie de décarboner votre quotidien vous interpelle ? Alors ces Conversations Carbones sont faites pour vous ! Éco-impact, en partenariat avec la Ville de Genève, propose aux habitant·e·s de la Ville […]

Où sont passés mes 3 piliers ?

Impact Hub Geneva - Boardroom Rue de Fendt 1, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Tu aimerais estimer le montant de tes avoirs de prévoyance ? Tu souhaites comprendre le système de retraite en Suisse ? Tu veux remettre la main sur des fonds perdus ?   Rejoins-nous pour un atelier interactif sur les 3 piliers ! Dans un cadre sympathique et convivial, tu vas : Enfin comprendre comment fonctionne […]

CHF80 – CHF100

Quality for Circular Economy workshops

Olten, Switzerland

STRENGTHENING THE SWISS CIRCULAR ECONOMY DISCOURSE – CALL FOR ACTION   The implementation of business ideas is demanding. Only 50% of start-up companies survive the first 5 years after foundation. Factors for this development are the quality stability in the production chain, the demands and wishes of investors, the product selection, and the time of […]

Conférence: “Célébrer les morts et les vivants aujourd’hui. Approche anthropologique contemporaine”

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

"Faire vivre nos morts en nous de multiples manières, ne pas les oublier, est essentiel." L'importance des rites pour que chacun soit à sa place   Conférence: "Célébrer les morts et les vivants aujourd'hui. Approche anthropologique contemporaine" Socio-anthropologue, Docteur en ethnologie et anthropologie sociale de l’EHESS, Maître de conférences honoraire, Catherine Le Grand-Sébillle a enseigné […]

Free – CHF10

Le samedi qui peut tout changer

Grand Genève, plusieurs lieux

COMMENT HABITONS-NOUS LE TERRITOIRE AUJOURD'HUI ? COMMENT PRÉPARER DEMAIN ?   Rejoignez l'un des 8 forums ouverts du samedi 1er octobre 2022 (10h à 16h) pour répondre collectivement à ces deux questions centrales pour notre territoire et apporter une contribution citoyenne au Grand Genève de demain (inscription obligatoire).   Le samedi 1er octobre 2022, huit forums […]

BumpIn & Learn

Online Event

Welcome to our Swiss Wide Impact Hub Community new format “BumpIn & Learn” : Every first Tuesday of every month (11:30-12:15), meet your swiss community, hear a short input from a member and have the opportunity to discuss further this monthly topic within the call.   Join us on Tue. 4th October, for a discussion […]

Accelerate2030 meets Geneva: Unlocking Financing for the Missing Middle

Centre International de Conférences Genève

Unlocking Financing for the Missing Middle Wednesday, October 5, 2022 From 16:00 to 17:30 (CET) Centre International de Conférences Genève - Room C   The aim of this event is to highlight the voices of entrepreneurs from the Global South and engage them in conversation with the Geneva ecosystem, particularly investors driving financial solutions and […]

Décarbona’Brunch – Comment créer un projet d’économie circulaire ?

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

Vous êtes invités au Décarbona'Brunch, qui aura lieu le mardi 11 octobre à Impact Hub Genève. La participation est gratuite, mais les places sont limitées ! Lors de cet événement, nous abordons des questions en lien avec la transition énergétique et écologique, la décarbonation ainsi que les leviers d’actions pour atteindre ces objectifs.afin d’intervenir et […]

Le biomimétisme pour pérenniser l’entreprise

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Et si faire l'autruche était la solution ? Le biomimétisme pour pérenniser son entreprise.   Pour une soirée ouverte à tous les dirigeant·es d’entreprise, le CJD Suisse met les deux pieds dans le plat en vous proposant une conférence-atelier qui s’inscrit directement dans son fil rouge de la saison 2022/23, à savoir «Accélérer la transformation». […]

Circular Economy Incubator 2022/2023 | Info session with CE Alumnis

Online Event

Are you currently working on the development of the circular product or service, or a technology that supports the circularity of materials and products? Do you feel the need for expert support and exchange around business modelling, CE & sustainability, partnerships & networking, financials & investments negotiation to further grow and develop your startup idea? […]

Swiss IDG Hub October Gathering – The Limits to Growth+50

Impact Hub Basel & online 274a Münchensteinerstrasse, Basel, Switzerland

We are very excited to welcome a special guest to our next Swiss IDG Hub gathering: Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Vice President of the Club of Rome. 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the Club of Rome’s landmark report, ‘The Limits to Growth’. This report – first published on 2 March 1972 – was the first […]

LunchBox – Impact Academy | Why circular economy?

Impact Hub Bern

How does circular economy work in an SME and why is it worth it - or not?    We are moving towards a resource-efficient and regenerative economy. But how do we switch to a circular economy? In this LunchBox, we look at the realistic potential for the Swiss economy - an honest discussion about advantages […]

SINGA Awards 2022 : Célébrons l’entrepreneuriat inclusif à Genève!

Salle Trocmé (Rue du Jura 2, 1201 Genève)

Bienvenue à la quatrième édition des SINGA Awards à Genève!   Le 20 octobre prochain, SINGA à Genève célèbre l'entrepreneuriat inclusif pour la quatrième fois! Les qui ont passé les six derniers mois à valider, pivoter et développer leur idée d'entreprise au sein de l'Incubateur SINGA sont désormais prê à partager leurs projets, […]

Diversity & Inclusion Workshops – Sexual harassment prevention

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

It’s everyone’s issue: sexual harassment prevention 360°. * This workshop will be give in french, too, during the afternoon of the same day.   Talking about sexual harassment can be uneasy and clichés abound. In this workshop we first break the clichés with data that brings all participants to the table. Sexual harassment affects everyone. […]

CHF210 – CHF280

BumpIn & Learn

Online Event

Welcome to our Swiss Wide Impact Hub Community new format “BumpIn & Learn” : Every first Tuesday of every month (11:30-12:15), meet your swiss community, hear a short input from a member and have the opportunity to discuss further this monthly topic within the call.   Join us on Tue. 1st November, for a discussion […]

Optimiser ses 3 piliers (FR)

Online Event

* This workshop will be given in English too, on November 7   Tu aimerais bien avoir une idée du montant de tes avoirs de prévoyance ? Tu veux mieux comprendre le système de retraite en Suisse ? Tu veux optimiser tes 3 piliers ?   Rejoins-nous pour un atelier interactif !   Dans un […]

CHF77 – CHF97

Vernissage | « Réfugié⋅es & emploi. Au-delà des idées reçues »

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

Les personnes en quête d’une protection manifestent dès leur arrivée en Suisse le souhait de travailler ou de se former. Leur intégration et leurs conditions de vie en dépendent. Si des obstacles administratifs et légaux existent au départ, essentiellement pour les demandeurs et les demandeuses d’asile (permis N), d’autres barrières peuvent freiner l’accès au marché […]

AfterWork Thursday Glow Geneva

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

Full-face workout event in Geneva, on Thursday, 3rd November, at Impact Hub Geneva! Come on down, bring your friends and get ready to get an afterwork glow!   What is included: 30-minute face workout, fresh juice, Prosecco, collagen, gift Language: English Time: 19:00 – 20:00 First time special offer: 25CHF


How to optimise your 3 pillars (ENG)

Online Event

Become a pro of the Swiss retirement system!   Would you like to have an idea of how much money you have in your pension fund? Do you want to better understand the Swiss pension system? Do you want to optimise your 3 pillars?   Join us for an interactive workshop!   In a friendly […]

CHF77 – CHF97


Halte Spirituelle – Châtel-St-Denis, Suisse

ForWaves yous invite à un atelier et week-end de rencontre entre à la Halte Spirituelle autour du thème "Comment vivre sa mission et se libérer de la procrastination", le samedi 12 novembre à 9h00 et/ou dimanche 13 novembre 2022 à 16h00. Comment être Artisan de sa vie, s’aligner avec sa mission, cesser de procrastiner et […]

Why Switzerland is the ultimate Deeptech nation

Fongit HQ, Plan-les-Ouates

Join this fireside chat for a chance to hear first-hand from Dominique Megret, Head of Swisscom ventures and author of Deeptech Nation, on why and how Switzerland has become one of the leaders in terms of deeptech as a country.   When: Thursday 15 November 12:00 - 14:00 AM (CET) Where: Fongit HQ Rte de […]


Maison de la Paix, Geneva Graduate Institute

Fongit, The Graduate Institute, Tech Hub, Digital Innovation-Global Excellence Network and the TASC Platform have joined forces to organize the first panel discussion on "Challenges of Change - the future of innovation in a disrupted world" to be held on Tuesday, 15th November from 18:30 - 20:00 CET at Auditorium A1B, Maison de la Paix, […]

Experiential Movement Workshop, EMLGE

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

Embodiment workshop by Experiential Movement Lab Geneva, EMLGE   Experiential Movement Lab Geneva, in collaboration with Impact Hub Geneva, are pleased to invite you to an onsite workshop on November 16 at 18h30.   Experiential Movement Lab Geneva's mission is to help people to discover the usefulness of embodiment practices for developing mastery of soft […]


Acquiring B2B customers: how to improve speed and your chances of success

Looking for business customers? Get insider tips and tools to increase speed and your chances of success.   In this interactive session you will benefit from the know-how and experience of Innopearl, a company specialized in the management of partnerships between start-ups and corporates. Olga Guerous is an entrepreneur, corporate executive and advocate for collaborations […]



La troisième édition de la Fair Week aura lieu à Genève du 17 au 26 novembre 2022. Cette action vise à dénoncer l’aberration du « Black Friday » et à questionner nos habitudes de consommation. Des actrices et acteurs du commerce équitable à Genève se mobilisent et invitent consommatrices et consommateurs à favoriser des pratiques […]

Climathon Genève 2022

Impact Hub Geneva

Le Climathon 2022 Genève est là! 🔥 👉🏼 Est-ce que vous êtes déjà inscrit ? Cette année le thème central questionnera les possibilités de sensibilisation et d’engagement des publics : “Quand communication rime avec action !” 🗓 Vendredi 18 novembre de 13h00 à 17h15, suivi d'un apéro et réseautage 📍 Impact Hub Genève (1 […]

TEDxGeneva 2022 : Regeneration

Aula HEG-GE, Campus de Battelle, Rue Tambourine 17 – 1227 Carouge

Les connaissances et les pratiques régénératrices sont partout autour de nous, mais les appréhendons-nous vraiment ? Les chemins indigènes, les modèles architecturaux, les événements historiques, les initiatives entrepreneuriales, chacun de ces éléments nous rapprochera un peu plus de l'idée que la Régénération est à la fois un droit et un devoir, une opportunité et une […]


Optimising your 3 pillars


Join Johan for an interactive workshop about the 3 pillars!   This workshop is an opportunity to review how the Swiss retirement system works, as well as to uncover what you should (and should not) be doing in order to optimise your situation. In this 90-minute workshop, you will have the opportunity to improve your […]

CHF1 – CHF50

Blockchain for SDGs Impact Event (The Power of Blockchain to Scale Nature-Based Solutions)

Impact Hub Geneva & online

Harpalium Initiative and the Impact Hub Geneva, two entities carrying out concrete actions for the resolution and support of the 2030 Agenda, join in a collaboration to host conferences on Innovations for the SDGs. The main topic will be the use of Blockchain technology on SDGs-compliant projects.   This year, the Harpalium Initiative opens collaboration […]

How to grow cost efficiently in 2023 with a high scale outbound engine

Online Event

Some of you might already have read it or are directly affected: European Venture funding dropped by 44% in Q3 2022. So to all B2B companies looking for cost-efficient tactics to prolong their runway, make sure to check out this Exclusive Outbound Masterclass 🚀  powered by RealGrowthHacking   🔥 In this masterclass you will lean: […]

THE SPEAKATHON (l’afterwork qui fait décoller votre anglais)

Impact Hub Geneva – Brainstorming Room

THE SPEAKATHON c’est la nouvelle méthode pour véritablement faire décoller votre anglais. No books, no exercises, no classroom, just 100% real communication! En immersion le temps d’une soirée, vous participerez à une multitude d’activités et de jeux et relèverez le défi de la soirée dans une ambiance afterwork ultra conviviale! Time to Speak!   Rejoins-nous […]

Café + Panettone

Fongit HQ, Rte de la Galaise 34 (6th floor) – 1228 Plan-les-Ouates

You're invited to join us on Thursday 01 December from 09:30 - 10:15 AM CET for the XMas Edition of Café+Panettone! This monthly event brings together the entire Fongit team and leading entrepreneurs from our innovation nation. It's the perfect opportunity to find out what's been going on in the Geneva startup community over the […]


Nuit du Storytelling 2022

Impact Hub Geneva

À l’occasion de la Nuit du Storytelling, vous êtes invité.es à : Participer à une soirée originale Écouter les histoires captivantes autour de la communication positive racontées par Fabienne Alfandari, Charles Brulhart, Martin Déglon, Grégoire Montangero et Marc Scialom et Jean-Marc Guscetti   CHF 29.- l'entrée incluant le nouveau livre "L’influence positive" de Jean-Marc Guscetti […]


BumpIn & Learn

Online Event

  The first Tuesday of every month (11:30-12:15), meet your swiss wide Impact Hub community, hear a short input from a member and have the opportunity to discuss further this monthly topic within the call.   Join us on Tue. 6th December, for a discussion on the topic "How to build a community mindset", hosted […]

VaLoo Workshop: Circular Sanitation Implementation in Swiss Cities

7 rue de Soubeyran, 1203 Genève

Guided visit of a lighthouse project and workshops with the practitioners.    Together with the sanitation experts an-eco, architects atba and the cooperative équilibre, VaLoo invites architects and interested professionals to it’s first thematic Workshop. Equilibre, a housing cooperative in Geneve, is a Swiss pioneer, pushing the definition of sustainable construction to include various social aspects […]

Free – CHF110

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday from 13 December 2022 to 13 January 2023 at Impact Hub Geneva from 12h30 onwards. The menu of this 1st month will be vegetarian.   The plate (price: 10.-) includes: Biryani, lentil kebabs with soft spices and raita (yoghurt […]


Optimize Your 3 Pillars


Join Johan for the last interactive workshop of the year! This workshop is an opportunity to review how the Swiss retirement system works, as well as to uncover what you should (and should not) be doing in order to optimise your situation.   📅 Tuesday, December 13th, from 7:30 PM to 9 PM 📍 Zoom In this […]

Shine bright! Styling course for genuine people.

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

Reveal your personality through authentic personal style, to boost your communication. Whether you are a more or less creative entrepreneur, with individual or corporate clients, let's join a fun workshop before Christmas. Objectives : learn how to dress as your inner authentic personality to feel well and boost your confidence.   Shine bright! Axelle Tarroux […]

CHF25 – CHF35

Diversity & Inclusion Workshops – Bystander intervention (session5)

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

Speaking up, stepping in: Building active bystanders in the workplace. * This workshop will be given in english & french.   If you have ever witnessed harassment, bullying, or other unethical behaviours and felt unease, this workshop is for you. It will help you connect to the values that may compel or prevent you from […]

CHF210 – CHF280

Diversity & Inclusion Workshops – Inclusive meetings (session6)

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

Meetings that matter: inclusive meetings, feedback, and evaluations toolbox. * This workshop will be given in english & french.   Psychological safety is crucial to well-performing teams and to personal development in the workplace. It is what ensures that staff come with game-changing ideas, flag risks that require mitigation, and are able to just be […]

CHF210 – CHF280

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday from 13 December 2022 to 13 January 2023 at Impact Hub Geneva from 12h30 onwards. The menu of this 1st month will be vegetarian.   The plate (price: 10.-) includes: Biryani, lentil kebabs with soft spices and raita (yoghurt […]


THE SPEAKATHON (l’afterwork qui fait décoller votre anglais)

Impact Hub Geneva – Brainstorming Room

THE SPEAKATHON c’est la nouvelle méthode pour véritablement faire décoller votre anglais. No books, no exercises, no classroom, just 100% real communication! En immersion le temps d’une soirée, vous participerez à une multitude d’activités et de jeux et relèverez le défi de la soirée dans une ambiance afterwork ultra conviviale! Time to Speak!   Rejoins-nous […]

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of January at Impact Hub Geneva from 12h30 onwards. The menu of this 1st month will be vegetarian.   The plate (price: 10.-) includes: Creamy Butter Chana Masala (chickpeas cooked in rich tomato gravy and soft spices) Vegetable Kadhai […]


Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of January at Impact Hub Geneva from 12h30 onwards. The menu of this 1st month will be vegetarian.   The plate (price: 10.-) includes: Creamy Butter Chana Masala (chickpeas cooked in rich tomato gravy and soft spices) Vegetable Kadhai […]


Circularity Gap: Meeting societal needs and preserving global resources


At Impact Hub Switzerland, together with Circular Economy Switzerland, Kickstart Innovation, and Deloitte, we believe that new forms of collaborations among unlikely alliances across sectors and disciplines are needed to accelerate the transition toward circular economy. So we took the opportunity to walk this talk ourselves by partnering with each other as a movement, a network, representing SMEs, […]

Cours d’aquarelle pour débutants

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

Pour une initiation au monde de l'aquarelle: Apprenez les techniques et commencez à explorer !   Prix: CHF 60 - Matériel compris Animé par Paola Pardo – Inscription: ou 0782 47 49 36


Café + Croissant with FONGIT

Fongit HQ, Rte de la Galaise 34 (6th floor) – 1228 Plan-les-Ouates

GET COFFEE, GET INFORMED, GET CONNECTED   Don’t miss the latest startup news! FONGIT will share the latest news from the most exciting innovators, give the insider view on the top entrepreneurial events, and answer all your questions. Grab a cup of coffee, make yourself comfortable, and get ready to connect!

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of January at Impact Hub Geneva from 12h30 onwards. The menu of this 1st month will be vegetarian.   The plate (price: 10.-) includes: Creamy Butter Chana Masala (chickpeas cooked in rich tomato gravy and soft spices) Vegetable Kadhai […]


Atelier Happy Body : Relooking féminin BodyPositive

Impact Hub Geneva

2023 est là! Axelle, Hubonaut à Impact Hub Genève, nous propose de débuter cette année avec un atelier 100% bodypositive 100% féminin : Si vous souhaitez un look qui vous ressemble cette année ; que vous souhaitez vous trouver authentiquement belle dans votre miroir et oser affirmer votre personnalité grâce à votre style vestimentaire, alors […]

CHF45 – CHF60


Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

We want to shake the community up with the experimental meetup - NewConnect Meeting new people can be daunting. We stay in our comfort zone and gravitate to people we already know or topics that already connect us. So, we want to create a laid-back atmosphere where with a refreshing topic (and cocktail) at hand, […]


Fongit HQ, Plan-les-Ouates

Join this engaging and interactive Fongit:Force crisis and risk management simulation workshop with Natasha Konstantinova, a Crisis Management Professional on 7 February to gain insights and practical skills to navigate a crisis, mitigate risks, protect your business, brand, and reputation.   Agenda: 12:00 – Networking lunch 12:30-13:45 – Crisis management introduction, Case study & Q&A […]


Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month includes:  Palak Paneer (Indian cheese cooked in spinach gravy), Mixed Yellow Lentils with mild spices and Jasmine Rice. It will be complimented with green […]


Cours d’aquarelle pour débutants

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

Pour une initiation au monde de l'aquarelle: Apprenez les techniques et commencez à explorer !   Prix: CHF 60 - Matériel compris Animé par Paola Pardo – Inscription: ou 0782 47 49 36   Atelier en Français ou Espagnol, selon demande.



Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

We want to shake the community up with the experimental meetup - NewConnect Meeting new people can be daunting. We stay in our comfort zone and gravitate to people we already know or topics that already connect us. So, we want to create a laid-back atmosphere where with a refreshing topic (and cocktail) at hand, […]

Afterwork “The Scale of Hope”

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter le jeudi 9 février 2023 de 18h00 à 21h30 à Lausanne, dans le cadre d’un afterwork co-organisé par Loyco et Patagonia. Cet événement se déroulera en deux temps: la projection du film «The Scale of Hope» qui met en lumière l’importance de voter afin de faire évoluer un […]

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month includes:  Palak Paneer (Indian cheese cooked in spinach gravy), Mixed Yellow Lentils with mild spices and Jasmine Rice. It will be complimented with green […]


Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month includes:  Palak Paneer (Indian cheese cooked in spinach gravy), Mixed Yellow Lentils with mild spices and Jasmine Rice. It will be complimented with green […]


Gérez vous-même la transition énergétique !

Impact Hub Geneva

Comment se passer d’énergies fossiles ? Comment la Suisse produit-elle son électricité ? Comment et combien produire dans les prochaines décennies pour répondre à la demande du peuple tout en limitant les effets du changement climatique ? PowerPlay est un atelier ludique créé par WattEd qui vous permet de comprendre de manière originale ces questions […]

CHF15 – CHF20

The ESG framework: Create, communicate, measure, without greenwashing

Online Event

Impact branding provides guidelines to set up and communicate an effective ESG framework, and create a sustainable brand that avoids greenwashing. Communications inside and outside entities plays a key role in motivating staff to achieve sustainable objectives. What ESG policies are stakeholders looking for, and how can we measure ESG and sustainability achievements? Gábor Hegyi, […]


Lunch and Learn on Rebranding

Online Event

We are thrilled to invite you to join the upcoming Fongit x FIT (Fondation Pour l'Innovation Technologique) online Lunch and Learn on rebranding, featuring Proton and Monito. The panel will delve into the complex and exciting world of rebranding. This online panel offers you the unique opportunity to learn from Proton and Monito, two startups […]


Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month includes:  Creamy Butter Paneer (Indian cheese cooked in tomato and cream-based gravy), Dal Makhni (Black Lentils cooked in butter with mild spices) and Cumin […]


Café + Croissant with FONGIT

Fongit HQ, Rte de la Galaise 34 (6th floor) – 1228 Plan-les-Ouates

GET COFFEE, GET INFORMED, GET CONNECTED Don’t miss the latest startup news!   This monthly event brings together the entire Fongit team and leading entrepreneurs from our innovation nation. It's the perfect opportunity to find out what's been going on in the Geneva startup community, hear from entrepreneurs themselves, and expand your professional network, all […]

Le Gang des Cuivres

Aula du Centre Geisendorf, Rue de Lyon 58, 1203 Genève Rue de Lyon 58, Genève, Switzerland

Un concert pour les familles à ne pas manquer ! Un spectacle exceptionnel par les 5 musiciens autrichiens de l'ensemble Sonus Brass.   Tout le monde les connaissait. Les « Brassboys » et leur musique étaient appréciés de tous et tout le monde voulait les entendre. Mais les temps ont changé et désormais, ils sont […]


Bump-in & Learn | March edition

Online Event

Friend or foe - common pitfalls and how to avoid them when going from 'friends & family' to 'employer & company'. What will change for you, your team, and your relationships once you start scaling headcount and growing your team by hiring from "the real job market"? Everything, or nothing at all? Certainly a lot […]

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month includes:  Creamy Butter Paneer (Indian cheese cooked in tomato and cream-based gravy), Dal Makhni (Black Lentils cooked in butter with mild spices) and Cumin […]


Startup Workshop “How to make deals with Private and Public Organizations”

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

The Canton of Vaud and Innovaud are delighted to partner with Kickstart Innovation for an exclusive session on “How to make deals with Private and Public Organizations”, hosted at Beaulieu Circulaire, Lausanne on Tuesday 7 March from 4:00-6:00pm CET followed by a networking Apéro.    If you are a local startup and/or scaleup offering an […]

Cours d’aquarelle 2ème module

Impact Hub Geneva - Boardroom Rue de Fendt 1, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Venez profiter d'un moment pour découvrir et vous amuser avec l'eau et la couleur. C'est l'opportunité d'avoir un espace pour explorer le monde de l'aquarelle.   Inscriptions : ou au 078 247 49 36   Prix: 60.- CHF, Matériel inclus.


Women breaking barriers through digital innovation

Online Event

An informal conversation on the role of digital technology and innovation in creating access to opportunities and leveling the playing field.   This year, in honour of International Women’s Day, Accelerate2030 — the world’s largest scaling program connecting entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — is teaming up with Impact Hub to highlight the […]


Experiential Movement Lab Geneva brings you Speed Connecting

Crossroads Pub – 1207 Genève

After several sessions at Impact Hub Geneva and Lausanne, Experiential Movement Lab Geneva brings you Speed Connecting - a new and fun way to create meaningful connections with new people!   Are you looking for a fun way to create meaningful connections with new people? We offer you a format between a dance floor and […]

Prix libre

Tuesday Indian Lunch Box

Impact Hub Geneva – Coffee Area

An Indian Food menu to satisfy your palate! 😋 Get your Indian lunch box every Tuesday of February at Impact Hub Geneva, from 12h30 onwards.   The menu of this month includes:  Vegetable Kofta Curry (Fried Vegetable balls in tomato based gravy with soft spices), Coconut Green Lentils (Green Lentils cooked with coconut milk) and […]


Sweet Market

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Le Sweet Market est un grand marché artisanal qui a pour but de regrouper les créateurs et créatrices de la region. Lors de cet événement, vous trouverez des créations cousues, brodées, des bijoux, des illustrations, des bougies, de la céramique et bien d’autres choses! Vous pourrez venir déguster des boissons et douceurs locales comme du […]


Optimize your potential by managing your stress!

Impact Hub Geneva - Boardroom Rue de Fendt 1, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Experiencing a heavy workload and looking for ways to boost your energy and performance? Search no more! Charlotta will support you in finding suitable methods that are easy to implement in your daily life. As a specialist in the development of mental strengths and in the prevention of burnout and backpains, coach and occupational therapist, […]



Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Venez dénicher de petites merveilles lors de cette bourse aux minéraux et aux fossiles ! Les exposants Plus de 40 exposants, amateurs ou professionnels, proposent selon leurs spécialisations : minéraux du monde entier, minéraux régionaux, fossiles, météorites, pierres précieuses taillées ou polies, bijoux en pierres naturelles. Au stand de la société - Possibilité de s'inscrire […]


Coffee and Croissant by Fongit

The SDG Solution Space – Campus Biotech Innovation Park, Av. de Sécheron 15, 1202 Genève

You're invited to join us on Thursday 13 April from 09:30 - 10:15 AM for the April edition of the Café+Croissant! This monthly event brings together the entire Fongit team and leading entrepreneurs from our innovation nation. It's the perfect opportunity to find out what's been going on in the Geneva startup community, hear from […]


Core Connection Training

Impact Hub Zurich

The current challenges push us to fundamentally reconsider our way of life and work. We are called to pause, (re-)align with our values and develop new competencies to transition to a more meaningful and sustainable professional and personal life. We live in a moment of profound unknown and profound possibility. A moment in time in […]

on website

Inauguration de la Halle 18–Beaulieu Circulaire

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

ExpériEnCe – 2ème édition Semaine pour la transition de la Suisse vers une économie circulaire   Selon le Circular Gap Report Switzerland, l’économie suisse n’est que 6,9% circulaire alors qu’elle a le potentiel de réduire considérablement nos émissions de CO2. Ainsi, nous nous devons de faire tout ce qui est possible pour accélérer notre transition […]

Selon l'activitié

Circular Economy National Demo Day 2023

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

We’re thrilled to announce that after receiving over 80 impressive applications, we’ve selected 32 outstanding ventures to join the Circular Economy Incubator for 2022/2023! Over the past 3.5 months, these innovative entrepreneurs have been fully immersed in a series of engaging masterclasses and peer exchange sessions, where they’ve tackled challenges, shared solutions, and received guidance […]

Discours d’ouverture de Halle 18–Beaulieu Circulaire et tables rondes

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Le discours d’ouverture débutera avec la prise de parole du Canton de Vaud et de la Ville de Lausanne. Une prise de parole souhaitée par Impact Hub Lausanne afin de partager la vision et les réflexions des pouvoirs publics sur le sujet de la circularité, notamment concernant les nouvelles collaborations pour accélérer la transition de la Suisse vers […]

SHIFT Vaud 2023

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

SHIFT Vaud 2023 se renouvelle à Beaulieu en collaboration avec Impact Hub Lausanne pour la deuxième édition suite à l’évènement pilote de mai 2022.   Il s’agit d’un espace de rencontre différent, où les acteurs du système alimentaire Romand peuvent jeter un regard collectif et nouveau sur notre nourriture, notre société, notre énergie et notre […]

CHF20 – CHF60

Le futur est entre nos mains

Bloody Bar, Genève Cornavin

Impact Hub Geneva s'associe au Bloody Bar et au Perception Change Project de l'ONU pour organiser un cycle de conférences et d’échanges sur le thème du développement durable, entre la communauté genevoise et la Genève Internationale. A cette occasion, nous vous invitons à un débat autour de l'ODD #5 - "L'égalité entre les sexes” et […]

Atelier 2 tonnes World à Lausanne

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Vous voulez agir pour le climat ? L'atelier 2tonnes vous donne les clés pour passer à l'action de façon ludique et pédagogique ! Face à l’urgence climatique, on se sait pas toujours comment agir : Eco-gestes ou actions collectives ? Devenir flexitarien ou acheter de seconde-main ? Rénover son logement ou se déplacer à vélo ? […]

CHF15 – CHF30

Re-inventing Organisations

John Knox Centre – Chemin des Crêts-de-Pregny, 27 | 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Geneva 27, chemin des Crêts-de-Pregny, Grand-Saconnex

Re-inventing Organisation is a dynamic and immersive workshop that allows you to experience and embody the evolutionary stages in organisations. Integrating the principles outlined in Frederick Laloux’s book, the workshop provides you with an extraordinary space to reflect on how you are showing up a work and how the different levels of consciousness, in you, […]

more info on the website

La physique quantique, moi et toi aussi

Impact Hub Geneva

Chroniqueur et vulgarisent les principales découvertes scientifiques-physiques de Newton à nos jours. nous allons contempler la dynamique du progrès scientifique. Une bataille incessante, insensée mais passionnée d'en savoir plus compréhensible, plus globale.   C'est une histoire d'envie, de deux, en effet. Démystifier, populariser, ces découvertes au bout du temps et de l'espace. Combler le désir […]

free price

RealTalk : Écarts de salaire – pourquoi l’argent fait la différence

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

RealTalk à Lausanne Le jeudi 15 juin 2023 à Lausanne, la modératrice Margaux Habert s’entretiendra avec Timea Bacsinszky et Benjamin Décosterd sur le thème « Écarts de salaire – pourquoi l’argent fait la différence ». La discussion aura lieu en français.   Convaincue que les équipes hétérogènes apportent un net avantage dans un monde volatile, […]

VinoKilo @ Impact Hub Lausanne

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Le shopping durable s'est encore amélioré ! Rassemblez vos amis et rejoignez-nous pour une journée de vintage dans une atmosphère relaxante, avec VinoKilo !   Retrouvez-nous au Impact Hub Lausanne : 23/06/2023 | 11:00 - 19:00 24/06/2023 | 10:00 - 18:00   Qu'est-ce qu'une vente au kilo vintage ? C'est le moment où vous visitez […]


Entrepreneurial Leadership Afternoon

Impact Hub Basel – Horburgstrasse 105, 4057 Basel

Interested in the Entrepreneurial Corporate Culture? Join us to hear experiences and best practices from working with over 300 selected corporate leaders and startup entrepreneurs, and to take the first steps in becoming an entrepreneurial leader yourself through learning with peers. Impact Hub Basel joins forces with the EEX Oy, a radical leadership development program that challenges […]


Module 1: Journée Découverte (Venez explorer et apprivoiser l’Enneagramme)

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

"L'Ennéagramme ne vous met pas dans une boîte. Il vous montre la boîte dans laquelle vous êtes déjà... et comment en sortir." ~ Ian Morgan Cron Ce modèle cartographie nos différents automatismes, nos croyances et nos manières de nous définir: au quotidien, chacun-e d'entre nous a tendance à favoriser une image de soi particulière. En […]


Round Table of the Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

Impact Hub Geneva - Petit Salon Rue de Fendt 1, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

What impact is AI having on our work, and what should we do about it? This is one of the exciting challenges raised by the SKMF (Swiss Knowledge Management Forum) Geneva Community and that will be at the core of an engaging round table event: Trust in the Age of AI Led by Sarah Schwab […]


Bloody Bar, Genève Cornavin

Les ODD ont été définis pour construire un avenir meilleur RDV au Bloody Bar mardi 10 Oct dès 18H   Impact Hub Geneva s’associe au Bloody Bar et au Perception Change Project de l’ONU pour organiser un cycle de conférences et d’échanges sur le thème du développement durable, entre la communauté genevoise et la Genève […]

Atelier postfossilCities

Impact Hub Geneva

Atelier gamifié postfossilCities Explorez le chemin vers la Suisse climatiquement neutre avec le jeu postfossilCities. Dans cet atelier ludique et sérieux, vous luttez avec d'autres acteurs pour la protection du climat et découvrez ainsi de près ce que cela signifie réellement. L'atelier s'adresse à toutes les personnes, adultes et jeunes, qui souhaitent : découvrir par […]

Refugee Leadership Multipurpose Space (R-Space) | Global Refugee Forum 2023

Impact Hub Geneva Rue Fendt 1, Genève, Switzerland

As part of the Global Refugee Forum 2023 official programme, a range of linked events are taking place throughout Geneva in the lead-up to and during the Forum. Amongst these, the Refugee Leadership Multipurpose Space (R-Space) will be located at Impact Hub Geneva, with events and activities taking place daily from 12 December to 15 […]

SHIFT Vaud 2024

Impact Hub Lausanne (Beaulieu) Av. Bergières 10, Lausanne, Switzerland

Rejoignez-nous pour la 3eme édition de SHIFT Vaud à Impact Hub Lausanne !   Avec SHIFT Vaud, nous voulons être hôte d’un espace de connexion, d’innovation et d’implication pour tout l’écosystème alimentaire vaudois afin de repenser radicalement notre rapport à notre nourriture. Nous ne voulons pas simplement parler de ces problématiques mais devenir un exemple […]

CHF15 – CHF60