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Startup Teacher: Using the Edu Canvas to bring the SDGs into the classroom

Nov 27th
10:00 - 12:00
Impact Hub Geneva
How might we incorporate topics like the SDGs or sustainability into our curriculum?

Sometimes news of the world can feel overwhelming. Problems seem so big they leave us feeling helpless or hopeless. However, the future is in our hands. Through our work we can help students be the decision makers of tomorrow and to understand the countless ways to act and to get involved. Impact is at our fingertips

In this two hour workshop, we’re bringing teachers together to brainstorm how they might infuse an SDG of choice into their work. Using the Educator Canvas, participants will have the opportunity to develop a plan of action for how they might bring impactful topics to their students that inspire real-world learning and action.


This workshop is all about supporting YOU. Expect to have time to devote on ideas for your students and to leave with something you can take back to the classroom. Working together, you will receive coaching and support for your ideas. The Educator Canvas provides just enough structure to engage users in design principles so that you can make your ideas come to life. This is your chance to try out that cool piece of tech, strategy, or approach that’s been on the back of your mind with an SDG or sustainability lens. It’s also an opportunity to learn how you might connect your students to local opportunities in the Geneva area that inspire action and contribute towards global solutions.

We hope you can join us. We’re excited to see what you’ll create!

FYI: Light brunch included


A workshop organised by The Educators’ Lab – to know more please visit www.theeducatorslab.com

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