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Securing WordPress – How to Deploy Secure WordPress Sites & Protect them from Hacking, DDoS and Brute Force Attacks

Mar 24th
17:00 - 18:00
Impact Hub Geneva - Boardroom
Free – CHF20

At this event you will learn how to safely and securely deploy and manage WordPress websites in the Cloud, even if you are not a developer or sys admin.


What you’ll get:

• How to use choose & deploy secure WordPress Cloud servers.

• Registering & using free LetsEncrypt SSL certificates and how to auto renew.

• 2 ways to easily backup and restore complete servers and WordPress sites.

• How to use CloudFlare to protect your site against DDoS attacks.

• Securing WordPress with plugins.


Impact Hub Members can register for 50% discount when using the coupon code at checkout.

Maximum of 8 tickets available per event.

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