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SDG Open hack! “Plastic is forever”

Jun 9th - Jun 10th
8:00 - 17:00

Plastic is forever…… so it’s time to get clever about how we manage it !

Want to make a real impact on climate change, but don’t know how? Join us for the SDG Open Hack! BRS ”Plastic is forever”.

SDG Open Hack! BRS is brought to you by several international partners in Geneva, including the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm Conventions by UNEP, Open Geneva, and UNITAR.

Participate in this hackathon and contribute your ideas and improvements to sustainably manage plastic waste. Meet like-minded and passionate individuals. And network with important international actors!


This online hackathon is taking place on 9-10 June 2022 as part of the BRS COPs.

Register now and become a change maker !

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