Say I Do And Do: Bridge the Intention-Action Gap
Join Acumen Academy and dBias Lab, experts on behavioural science solutions, for this workshop that will teach you to bridge the intention-action gap.
About this event
This workshop will teach you to bridge the intention-action gap and how to get more people to join your mission.Whether you are fundraising, implementing new policies such as recycling, or trying to change the organization’s ways of working, what you are doing is essentially convincing people to join your mission.
Most people become aware of and understand your mission and many SAY they will join your mission. But at the end of the day, only a handful of people act on their words. This occurs because of the intention-action gap.
Key Takeaways:
- What is the intention-action gap?
- Why does it occur?
- How to overcome this gap?
This workshop is generously offered by dBias Lab. Led by Acumen Next community member and Impact Hub member Haena, dBias Lab is a Switzerland based firm providing behavioural science solutions for businesses that want to achieve both the economic value and the social impact. dBias Labs delivers bespoke solutions based on an array of scientific findings, agile design, and data analysis.
Participation is free of charge, but places are limited – remember to book your ticket!
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