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How to reconcile the Tech Revolution with the Impact Revolution

Oct 14th
17:00 - 18:15
Impact Hub Geneva

Despite established and growing interest in sustainable investment, investors have some concerns and difficulties finding suitable investment vehicles that transparently measure, monitor, and report proof of impacts.


The event will present and discuss technology based innovative solutions through a number of use cases:

The Invisible Heart Ventures (a new Impact Tech VCF); Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB); and Havuta LLC and share knowledge and debate with domain experts.


Key issues address by a whitepaper by AxessThinkTank, GIB and 4IP Group will be discussed:

The main objective is to present how e.g. technology and eco-blockchain; data quality, protocols and living metrics; and marketplace and SDGs dashboards can bring solutions to the problem of mismeasurement, monitoring and governance in impact investing while increasing access to market for sustainable investments. It will also discuss the importance of finding new business models based on collective action and innovations.

We will also learn about how Havuta LLC uses innovative technology and promote internal M&E capacity building thereby entering next era of impact data collection and analysis. We will hear about The Invisible Heart Ventures Investment Strategy; How ESG INVESTMENTS IMPACTS TECH START UPS SIGNIFICANTLY as examplified by an example from this VCF’s pipeline consisting of disruptive Clean/Health/Fintech companies. Finally, we will learn about tokenization of alternative investments with a focus on sustainable infrastructure and natural resources.


The participation is free of charge for members and non-members.

Please confirm your presence by email to Mr. Christian Kingombe (ckingombe@4ipgroup.org)

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