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Re-inventing Organisations Workshop

Sep 6th
9:30 - 17:30
John Knox International Centre

Good morning Genava Hubbers, from ImpactHub KX, London!


On Thursday 6th October, we are running our workshop, Re-inventing Organisations, in Geneva offering a highly experiential learning journey on the principles outlined in Frederick Laloux’s book.

The idea is to bring alive, with live music and movement, the extraordinary insight that organisations change as human consciousness evolves – something that we are seeing all around us now with a complete paradigm shift in working processes and practices.


More informations and registrations here!


Practical informations:

Venue: John Knox International Centre – 27, chemin des Crêts-de-Pregny | 1218 Grand-Saconnex

Time/Date: 09h30-17h30

Cost: Reduced fee for Hubbers: CHF 240 with access code GEN200Acccess

Discounts for multiple tickets. Contact us if you are unable to afford this fee.

Fee Includes: Lunch, Morning tea/coffee break, Afternoon tea/coffee break.


Reach out to Peter Baily, peter@thekairosproject.com, for any questions.

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