Meet other Coworkers @ BumpIn
Nov 2nd
10:00 - 10:45
Online Event
Your creative coffee break – online, once a month, connecting to members all across Switzerland.
Did you know we almost have 2000 members across the Swiss Impact Hubs? Do you want to meet them? Well, we have a solution to do just that. Join our monthly online gathering BumpIn to:
- connect and collaborate to other members from all over Switzerland
- get feedback, new connections and three sparring partners each time for 30 minutes
- connect and collaborate across Switzerland to accelerate your impact
- get access to our staff to ask about access to impact tools, the network, business development programs and all information about our impact hubs.
It’s every first Tuesday of the month, 10:00 – 10:45. Join us!
Zoom Link:
Meeting-ID: 997 6558 5967
Code: 861394
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