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IHG Townhall meeting

Feb 16th
17:30 - 18:30
Impact Hub Geneva


Join us for a meeting and exchange with one of the co-founders (Felix) for Wednesday, 16th of February 2022, at Impact Hub Geneva.

It’s a “Townhall” concept, so really you can ask any questions or concerns you might have about the Hub, its services, programs and partnerships, the year that passed by or the projects for 2022. Felix will present the project Halle 18 for IH Lausanne.

Topics could be about a business idea you might have, or maybe ask about the Impact Hub Incubator program and how that could be of a benefit to you etc, etc… Anything else works, it’s just a privileged quality time and it would be nice to share your thoughts.

If you have any questions, please contact:

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