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Hummus & Human Rights Part 4:’ County Lines’ & Modern Slavery

Jun 17th
18:30 - 19:30
Hummus & Human Rights Part 4:' County Lines' & Modern Slavery
‘County Lines’: another face to the UK’s grim reality of child exploitation

About this Event

Children as young as seven are being put in danger by criminals who are taking advantage of how innocent and inexperienced these young people are. Any child can be exploited, no matter their background.

According to the Children’s Commissioner, there are at least 46,000 children in England who are involved in gang activity. It is estimated that around 4,000 teenagers in London alone are being exploited through child criminal exploitation, or ‘county lines’.

In this session we will learn from first hand experience about the techniques and forms that gangs use and what can be done to stop this.

Presenter: Mathew Brown, Central Specialist Crime – Modern Slavery Partnership Team

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