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Human Library – 3rd edition

Mar 23rd
18:00 - 20:00
Online Event

The Human Library makes its grand return on March 2021 and it is a digital edition this time. The concept is simple: each human book carries a strong story related to discrimination, exclusion, prejudice or stereotypes experienced.
The aim of this meeting between human books and readers is to initiate a personal dialogue, it is the opportunity to talk privately and personally to a “stranger” in a structured, protected, but totally free space – in a strictly limited time, and without any other commitment. During this edition, you will have the opportunity to virtually meet 3 human books of your choice according to the themes that most interest you. Each meeting will last about twenty minutes and will allow you to listen to their life stories, and then to exchange with them.

*In view of the current context, this event will take place in digital format, on Airmeet. It is organized by the association Humanisthme and with the support of the Impact Hub Geneva.

So, interested? Come and meet us on March 23, 2021 from 6pm to 8pm on Airmeet!
Register first here.
Free for Hub members, 10CHF for non-members.

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