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Geneva Climate Show 2022

Apr 20th - Apr 21st
8:00 - 17:00
Geneva Palexpo

The International Climate Show will be held at Geneva Palexpo on April 20-21, 2022 and will be the marketplace for innovations and sustainable solutions.

This un-missable event meets an increasing demand in this sector and will give visibility to new solutions and clean technologies outcomes. This event will be an opportunity for visitors to the Show to discover the latest inventions on a global level. Industry professionals will have the opportunity to present their solutions and know-how in the fields of renewable energy, ecobuildings, waste management, green mobility, agri-nature, circular economy, etc. and other related services and activities. Participants will be able to interact in the networking space reserved for this purpose.


The Climate Show Mission

The International Climate Show is an independent structure acting in compliance with the highest human and environmental values. The mission of the Climate Show is spreading sustainability in all its forms (products, services or social behaviour) in the various sectors of everyday life. The exhibition of the Climate Show is one of the means of dissemination of sustainability and focusses on environmental-friendly eco-innovations including bringing into light some traditional sustainable solutions that have been neglected.

The Organizational Team

The organizational team builds the exhibition annual program based on latests innovations that cut CO2 emissions, ways to remove pollution in soil, air, rivers, oceans, food, etc. and highlights sustainable inventions, in renewable energies, ecomobility, etc. This is to advance change towards a sustainable economy while supporting innovation and entrepreneurship of eco-friendly projects and their introduction to the market.

Exhibition and participation in the International Climate Show

Only projects of organisations offering eco-friendly innovations (products or services) can participate in the Climate Show. Indeed, the Climate Show organisation refuses every year a very large number of projects which do not meet criteria according to its requirements. Contact us fo find out about exhibitors criteria.

Funding sources of the Climate Show

The Climate Show does not receive any public subvention or subsidies but is self-financing only through space and booths rentals, sale of meals and drinks, promotional space, conference and workshop tickets, as well from donations.

Behind the Climate Show

The Climate Show is completely independent organisation and does not belong to any private, public or state entity. The Climate Show is not under the influence of any external authority. The Climate show does not deal with economic or political questions but focusses only on giving visibility and promoting eco and sustainable innovations in different sectors. The Climate Show organisation is neutral and open to all organisations and people working for the protection of the climate and the environment, good of nature and gives each year a numbers of free exhibition spaces to associations and NGOs and eco-artists working in environmental protection or in fauna & flora conservation.

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