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Fundraising Talks – meet the experts!

Sep 15th
18:00 - 19:30
Online Event

Have you already taken your first steps with your startup and would like to build up knowledge and contacts in the field of startup fundraising?

At our next STARTUP CAMPUS Event, you will not only hear how a startup successfully went through their first financing round, but can also talk to experts from the field and learn which different ways to raise money exist.



Céline Fallet – wemakeit

Besides raising money through venture capitalists or corporates, crowdfunding is another popular way. Céline has been a crowdfunding expert for almost 10 years. She started her career at wemakeit.com, the biggest crowdfunding platform in Switzerland in 2012 as an intern and is now the managing director of the company. Wemakeit.com financed over 5’300 projects and it’s success rate of 62% counts as one of the best in the world.


Sebastian Becker – redalpine

Redalpine is a seed and early-stage venture investor. They invest in disruptive technologies with focus on highly scalable ICT and Health Tech models. They provide 10-years-plus experience as entrepreneurs and investors and have a great network and access to key opinion leaders. Sebastian is a partner at redalpine and has seen many startups pitching in the last 3 years in his position.


Florian Dünner – ZKB 

Florian is an financing Startups as an Investment Manager at the Zürcher Kantonalbank. ZKB offers professional support in equity and startup financing or mezzanine capital. They have been supporting entrepreneurs in building up their business for almost 150 years. So your business idea can flourish on a stable financial foundation from the very beginning. They are looking for companies and entrepreneurs with a solid business plan and promising future prospects.


The event will be held online – register here!

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