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FEMseries: FEMtrepreneurs’ Workshop Series for Early-Stage Female Founders

May 9th
17:30 - 20:00
Online Event

Of all startup founders in Switzerland, only 24% are women. This is a systemic challenge that affects not only individuals but also has national repercussions, as it imposes missing opportunities for economic prosperity.


The FEMseries is FEMtrepreneurs’ program to foster more diversity and inclusion in the Swiss entrepreneurship ecosystem. The program supports female founders to build up the necessary entrepreneurship skill-set to kick-start their business in a trusting and safe environment – all free of charge! The participants of the FEMseries will take part in four interactive workshops led by industry experts with large experience & passion for female entrepreneurship and will connect with like-minded peers and a network of supporters.

The program is coordinated by the FEMtrepreneurs, the University of Basel Innovation Office initiative for gender equality in the startup ecosystem, and it is sponsored by the Swiss Federal Office for Equality of Women and Men EBG (Eidgenössisches Büro für die Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann).

Workshop dates:

  • May 9th, 17:30-20:00 (online), Why and Ideation Session
  • May 16th, 17:30-20:00 (online), Business Model Canvas
  • May 23rd, 17:30-20:00 (online), Funding Opportunities
  • May 30th, 17:30-20:00 (online), Pitching Training


Get to know more about each workshop and register by April 25th to join the workshops via this link (be aware that places are limited)!

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