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Fashion & Textiles Circle Community

Mar 24th
18:00 - 20:30
Impact Hub Zürich – Colab

With the Circular Economy Fashion & Textile Circle, Impact Hub Zürich wants to support the creation and curation of a network to raise awareness on the problems of our textile industries, to show new innovative approaches, opportunities, and share valuable knowledge within the topic.


This event is the chance to meet in person and exchange with fellow Circular Textile Enthusiasts. We start off with a panel talk featuring Circular Entrepreneurs and Circular Economy Experts that will share their experience and opinions on “How to be sure that your business is actually more sustainable”, followed by a “Speed Dating Session” where we match you with other participants of your interest to exchange needs and ideas and foster potential collaborations.


Our highlight will be the panel talk featuring Circular Entrepreneurs:

  • Sandra Grimmer, Co-Founder and CEO of Yarn to Yarn
  • Karen Rauschenbach, Co-Founder and CEO of the Blue suit

They will share their insights on how they are tracking their impact KPIs and how they set-up their businesses to be more sustainable than linear ones.


We will end the evening with a social Apèro and lots of inspiration and motivation to go on making fashion circular.

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