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Expert Panel: Gender, Inclusion and the Future of Work

Jun 10th
16:00 - 17:15

How to leverage the disruptive moment to build a more inclusive and equal working culture? What does the future of work post-COVID-19 look like?

The disruption to our work and private lives brought by the COVID-19 pandemic is a crucial moment to reassess ways of working together and making sure the lessons learned from the quarantine period are used to build a more inclusive, resilient and innovative working culture.

Aims of the event

-Learn about the implications, challenges and opportunities companies face related to equality and inclusion during and after quarantine.

-Understand how organisations can move forward and build more equal and inclusive ways of working in a post COVID-19 era


-Sylvie Durrer, Director, Federal Office for Gender Equality
-Patricia Purtschert, Professor of Gender Studies, Uni Bern
-Simona Scarpaleggia, Global Head “The Future of our Work and former CEO, IKEA Switzerland
-Rober Baker, CEO Potentia Consulting, Former Head of International Diversity & Inclusion Consulting, Mercer
-Nicholas Niggli, Deputy Secretary General at Republic and State of Geneva

The panelist will share how the pandemic has affected them personally, provide input from their point of expertise as well as engage in a dialogue with each other to discuss the topic. The audience will have the chance to pose questions and add comments through the chat function.

For Whom?
Company leaders and employers across sectors, HR and D&I professionals, anyone interested in the topic of gender, inclusion and the future of work

Free workshop; access to Zoom link upon registration at the collaboratio helvetica platform :

Hosted by
Anna Krebs, Facilitator and Catalyst for Gender Equality at Collaboratio Helvetica

Erica Mazerolle, Facilitator and Social Innovation Professional at the Impact Hub

The Federal Office for Gender Equality supports the project financially in accordance with the Gender Equality Act.https://www.ebg.admin.ch/ebg/en/home.html

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