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Exclusive Sales Masterclass

Feb 28th
17:00 - 18:00

Exclusive Sales Masterclass – Apply now, 20 seats only!

Accelerating Sales from Founder to Sales Org

​We have seen a common mistake many startups do when trying to grow: they believe they can just hire more sales people and get them to do what the founders did before.

But stop, very quickly all the gaps in processes, frameworks, and methodologies show themselves as the new hires are not capable to perform as desired.

 This masterclass is for you, if:

  • ​You plan to hire your first sales people and need to make them successful
  • ​You’re unsure what exact roles you need to hire and what Sales Org to build
  • ​Your new hires struggle to reach their goals and you still are involved in almost every deal
  • ​You’re missing the frameworks and methodologies to support your sales org and actually make them successful


​Take the chance and learn from Andrea Ratzenberger who was the VP Sales & Marketing at Sherpany and supported the team to achieve and maintain high-growth results. He will outline the steps to take if you want to grow your company successfully and efficiently.

In this masterclass you will:

  • ​Get a step-by-step process from identifying the right GoToMarket Strategy to building the correct Sales Org and hiring the right roles
  • ​Understand how to put the right Sales Pipeline in place and derive a detailed Sales Process that enables the entire team
  • ​Learn about the needed frameworks & methodologies to make it work
  • ​Gain actionable tips and best practices from a seasoned sales professional
  • ​Get direct answers to your challenges in the Q&A session
  • ​Receive an exclusively prepared full resource kit

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