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Climate Collage Workshop – FR

Feb 8th
17:30 - 20:30
Impact Hub Geneva
Free – CHF50


« The Climate Collage » is a workshop that aims to raise awareness and understanding among people about climate change.

Based on the IPCC report, it explains the climate functioning and the consequences of its disruption. It gives the opportunity to learn a lot in a very short period of time and addresses both novices and experts.


That’s how the game works:

The workshop is based on a 42-card game. Each card represents an element, a cause or a consequence of climate change. As a team, guided by your facilitator, you are to find the cause-effect relationship between the different components of climate change. Collective intelligence will get you from one deck of card to the next! This step-by-step reconstruction provides keys to understand the complexity and develop an overview of climate change.


Here is the workshop’s program:

  • A Brief History of “The Climate Collage
  • Icebreaker
  • Reconstruction of the Climate Collage guided by your facilitator
  • A little pause in between if needed
  • Creative phase
  • Debrief + time to share, express thoughts and feelings


Due to current Covid measures: workshop limited to 8 participants + mask + safe distance + gel

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