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Circular Economy in Agrifoodtech

May 18th
13:30 - 19:00
Fribourg – Chemin du Musée 4, HEG-FR

SME and startups along the value chain from food production to food consumption: discover innovation opportunities thanks to the connection with R&D centers.

Agri-food research centers: access economic partners and develop projects potentially supported by Innosuisse or other support organizations.

Associations and umbrella organizations active in the food sector, nutrition managers in schools, nursing homes and hospitals, consumers wishing to participate constructively in the debate, join our community of interest to share and act with confidence.


The event proposes:

  • To ask the right questions about circular economy to boost sustainability in the foodtech system
  • To be inspired by Swiss and international players who have successfully taken the step of innovation
  • To connect in a targeted manner to potential innovation partners
  • To be challenged and motivated during participatory discussions, workshops, speed-dating and exhibitions, all complemented by a creative aperitif


Find the whole agenda and informations about the event here!

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