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CE National Event – A look back into the future of Switzerland

Sep 30th
13:00 - 22:00
Beaulieu Circulaire (Halle 18), Lausanne

Join us on Friday, September 30th, for The ExperienCE – the national event of our pioneer initiative Circular Economy Transition (CET).
This will be the occasion to celebrate together the new home of Impact Hub Lausanne and the opening of Beaulieu Circulaire, Switzerland’s first innovation space dedicated to Circularity and Inclusion. This unique event brings together entrepreneurs, civil society, and the public and private sector to create new opportunities for Switzerland’s transition to a more sustainable future.

It will be a day filled with thought-provoking workshops, inspiring panel discussions, impact stories, and the latest insights from entrepreneurs and visionary practitioners from around the world followed by a celebration over live music – and we want you to be part of it!



13:00 | Doors open 

I – 13:30-17:30 | Circular Economy Solutions Exhibition & ExperienCE Workshops

An interactive space that features promising entrepreneurs with circular solutions and workshops which is open to the public, family & kids friendly.

  • Welcoming Words, Framing & CE introduction
  • Pitching Round Startups
  • ExperienCE Workshops  – incl. Climate Fresk, Urban Agriculture, Repairability, Zero waste living
  • 1-1 meetings with startups & networking

II – 15:00-17:30 | Co-creation sessions

Dive-in sessions with partners and allies to reflect on Swiss challenges and needs for the transition and  explore concrete synergies and define collaborations to reach the SDGs. Thematics include:

  • Stakeholder Co-creation
  • Food Systems
  • Smart cities
  • Future Green Jobs

III – 18:00-19:30 | Visionary Keynotes, Panel Discussions & Impact Stories of CET

Visionary keynotes by leading impact experts across industries followed by inspirational boosts from practitioners and entrepreneurs, who will share their impact stories & latest insights.

IV – 20:00-22:00 | Celebration & Networking over Live Music, Canapés & Drinks

  • Networking over Live Music, Canapés & Drinks
  • Foodtrucks from the region

A detailed overview of workshops and sessions will be soon available – stay tuned!

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