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Building Bridges 2023 & Impact For Breakfast: Aligning Finance With Sustainability

Sep 6th
9:00 - 11:00
Impact Hub Geneva

Building Bridges @ Impact For Breakfast

Join us for an insightful morning discussion on September 6th about sustainable finance and how it can help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. We’ll be co-hosting this event in collaboration with Building Bridges, showcasing various ways to promote responsible investing on a global scale and introducing the latest trends and tools in the field.

During the breakfast session, we’ll give you a sneak peek of the 2023 edition of Building Bridges, which will showcase the initiatives, organizations, tools, and frameworks that are shaping the global sustainable finance agenda. You’ll also get to learn more about the work of NatureFinance, AMAS, Sustainable Finance Geneva, and the SDG Impact Finance Initiative. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow!


  • Boris Le Montagner, Action Days Coordinator – Building Bridges
  • Guillaume Toffel, Senior Legal Counsel – AMAS
  • Kali Taylor, Community Manager – Sustainable Finance Geneva
  • Guillaume Bonnel, Chief Executive Officer – SDG Impact Finance Initiative
  • Jeremy Eppel, Associate Principal – NatureFinance



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