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Re-inventing Organisations

May 12th
9:00 - 17:30
John Knox Centre – Chemin des Crêts-de-Pregny, 27 | 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Geneva
more info on the website

Re-inventing Organisation is a dynamic and immersive workshop that allows you to experience and embody the evolutionary stages in organisations.

Integrating the principles outlined in Frederick Laloux’s book, the workshop provides you with an extraordinary space to reflect on how you are showing up a work and how the different levels of consciousness, in you, your team and organisation, define your workplace.

If you are interested in Teal-ways of thinking, conscious businesses, Integral practices, this is the space to deepen your understanding of these new ways of working. While you can read about and intellectually get these concepts, it is a whole new level of understanding to feel and embody them. This we do with live music, movement and storytelling.

On a personal level, the outcomes include building your agility, and increasing your range of behaviours and choices; on a professional level, you can expect to see into the human dynamics that drive your organisation.



  • Special price for members of the Impact Hub Geneva: 245€
  • Standard fee: from 290€ / Discounts for 2 or more tickets

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