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‘Youth meets sustainable fintech’ series

Nov 3rd
18:30 - 21:00
Impact Hub Geneva

Why does sustainable FinTech matter to youth? What future do we envision for the financial industry? How can it help achieving a more sustainable future for our society and the younger generation in particular?


As part of its Swiss-wide ‘Youth meets Sustainable Fintech’ series the regional group Geneva of foraus, it’s Sustainable FinTech project and Sustainable Finance Geneva invite you to a get-together in Geneva to meet other interested sustainable fintech enthusiasts and discuss these questions.



A moderated panel discussion with:

  • Marie-Laure Schaufelberger – Vice-President of Sustainable Finance Geneva and Head of ESG and Stewardship for the Pictet Group
  • Jamilah Bahay – Canadian Delegate for the G20 Youth Summit and Master Candidate in International Affairs, Trade and Finance at the Graduate Institute

Followed by a networking session as well as finger food and drinks to allow for stimulating discussions.


Looking forward to seeing you there!


*In compliance with the current recommendations from the Confederation, we will be checking the Covid certificate at the entrance. We thank you for your understanding.

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