Circular Economy Impact Hub

You are passionate about changing and transforming Geneva and/or the Romandie in a more circular approach?

You can benefit from meaningful connections, expert support and guidance, inspiring workplace, local and international impact.


Connection & collaboration  

Support of experts

Network of impact stakeholders

Innovative solutions 

Circular Offers

Circular Economy Business Lab


Do you want to get the first mover advantage and explore opportunities in the field of circulareconomy but don’t know where to start?

Our scientifically based hands on implementation methodology
is comprehensive and applicable. We carefully selected outstanding business examples to inspire and educate you and your employees at the inspiring locations of Impact Hub Switzerland.

participants of a CE Incubator 2019 workshop

Circular Economy Incubator

The Circular Economy (CE) Incubator enables individuals and startups to prototype and develop innovative solutions contributing to accelerate the transition towards Circular Economy in Switzerland. During the program, the selected entrepreneurs work on implementing their solutions and validating their business models, with the support from high-level mentors, experts and our network of impact investors.


With the Geneva Climathon, you are connecting with public entities along with our partners to build together a sustainable common vision. It’s all about the power of transforming this vision into a reality by collaborating with developers, entrepreneurs, students and professionals. Whether you are coming with an idea or work on a new solution with an inspiring team, experts and mentors will help you along with your team to find solutions to tackle the climate challenges.



In partnership with +Acumen, we are offering the course Designing for Environmental Sustainability and Social Impact. It will introduce you to the key mindset and methods for strategically approaching environmental and social challenges through entrepreneurship. The course is directed at social entrepreneurs, conservation entrepreneurs, corporate intrapreneurs, or any other person wishing to better understand, communicate or incorporate the sustainability dimension to their core activity.

Meeting Consulting Impact Hub Geneva

Sustainable Living Lab

A 3-year experiment building an open innovation platform for sustainable living in Romandie.
Facilitating cross-sector collaboration to develop, prototype and test both methods and solutions.
Discover the services : Startup Support, Consulting, Learning