A journey through Theory U :
Exploring Social Transformation Through Local and International Experiences.
On January 23rd, 2020, Erica Mazerolle, Regional Catalyst for the League of Intrapreneurs and Impact Hub’s Lead on Social Innovation & Communities of Practice, was one of the speakers on this day that celebrated the 5th anniversary of U.Lab at Impact Hub Donostia.
It was important for us to be there to demonstrate how the Theory-U methodology can be a powerful tool. By linking personal aspects to systemic challenges, it promotes positive change at the organizational and societal levels, taking the individual as a starting point.
Beyond Waste and U Theory
“Erica Mazerolle of Impact Hub Lausanne inspired us with the Beyond Waste initiative carried out in Impact Hub Lausanne.The objective of this program is to explore the potential of generative awareness to facilitate the co-creation of solutions for the transformation towards the circular economy.
Erica defines co-creation as a generative state in which ideas and actions “emerge completely”, which means that the social field (relationships between people, organizations and institutions) determine the behavior of individuals and the collective.
Each part of the set has a specific function that can only be performed in a beneficial way if done collectively. She underlines the importance of perceptions being in tune with their surroundings.”
Text taken from : https://donostia.impacthub.net/en/u-lab-donostia-turns-5-years/