24 hours, 14 solutions
22 November 2018 - lausanne

Climathon managed to tackle four tricky challenges regarding climate change and mobility in the end of October.

Climate hackathon Climathon was organised in Lausanne for the first time in the end of October as a joint venture of Impact Hub Lausanne and eqlosion, a group of sustainability minded entrepreneurs. The goal was to innovate as many solutions to climate change and mobility related challenges as possible. Climathon is a global movement organised by Climate KIC, and a Climathon was held at the same time in over 100 cities around the world!

The challenges were all related to mobility: How to make life easier for those poor souls who get stuck in traffic jams on the A1 between Geneva and Lausanne every morning and every afternoon? Could there be a better logistics solutions for package delivery in urban area than those UPS delivery trucks that always block your doorway? The electric cars are already here, but could sharing them make transportation even more ecological? Researchers’ have to travel for work, but are all the trips really inevitable?

Let’s do this, we’ve got 24 hours!

During the hackathon, nearly 80 participants formed 14 teams. They were supported by Impact Hub’s workshop facilitators and received professional coaching from Climathon partners: the Canton of Vaud, City on Lausanne, University of Lausanne and Swisscom. And how did they do?

Amazing, of course. Or at least it’s the first word that comes to me, when I look at their pitches.

EasyEV proposes a car sharing service for enterprises, that can encourage their employers to use car sharing and this way to limit their CO2 emissions.

Colision innovates that public transportation could deliver packages in the urban area.

ET App has found the way to optimize researchers’ travel related traveling – and limit it when possible.

And more! See all the challenges and solutions. Which one would you like to see the daylight first?

Sad you missed it? Find out more about next year’s edition.

Check also this news clip to see the enthusiast atmosphere in Lausanne.