Startup Connection Impact hub

You are looking to grow your startup - from every stage?

We connect startups and entrepreneurs with strategic stakeholders through relevant and expert services to enable growth and acceleration.


Stakeholders connection 

Local & International expertise

Impact at scale

Innovative solutions

Accelerate 2030 on stage of Factory17


Accelerate2030 is a program co-initiated by Impact Hub Geneva and the UNDP, with a mission to scale internationally the impact of entrepreneurs working towards achieving positive social and environmental change contributing to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

CET incubator

Circular Economy Incubator

The Circular Economy (CE) Incubator enables individuals and startups to prototype and develop innovative solutions contributing to accelerate the transition towards Circular Economy in Switzerland. During the program, the selected entrepreneurs work on implementing their solutions and validating their business models, with the support from high-level mentors, experts and our network of impact investors.



Kickstart is an ecosystem innovation platform that bridges the gap between startups, corporates, cities, universities and institutions to accelerate the adoption of circular solutions. It created powerful collaboration between established organisations and the most audacious entrepreneurs out there.


Sustainable Living Lab

A 3-year experiment building an open innovation platform for sustainable living in Romandie.
Facilitating cross-sector collaboration to develop, prototype and test both methods and solutions.
Discover the services : Startup Support, Consulting, Learning