Our Impact Hub Geneva community counts with over 80 members, working on projects as diverse as an investment fund focused on sustainable development, a start-up distributing organic food or an an association promoting intergenerational exchanges.
Check out our amazing network at http://www.impacthub.net/
Check out our monthly offer of events here!
For example, the Impact Hub Pro-Action Café gives you the possibility to tap into the collective intelligence of the community!
Together, let’s transform the Impact Hub Geneva from the beautiful space it currently is into an inspiring and engaging Social Innovation Space! Throughout the campaign, we will be collecting design ideas and host a co-creation session in March – stay tuned! And all campaign backers will also be invited to vote online for their favourite idea from the Space Design Challenge on February 14th!
The Impact Hub Geneva is leveraging the unique synergies that exist at this global crossroads and creating a unique platform for interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration for positive social and ecological impact locally and abroad.
Each of us brings in our own unique skills, expertise, interests and connections while we stand for the same values and are driven by a single objective. Check out the team here
After a long day of hard work we definitely know how to relax and enjoy ourselves! You don’t want to miss the next party! 🙂
Share with us YOUR reason! And support us on: bit.ly/mySIspace