Impact Hub Geneva

Are you an entrepreneur, an individual, a startup, a business looking to achieve the SDGs by 2030?

We understand that each business has particular needs in changing its business model, evolving organizational culture and collaborating with stakeholders. 

That’s why, at Impact Hub geneva, we advise, guide and support you by helping you to tackle social, economic and ecological challenges to achieve  the SDGs. 

Thanks to our expertise in environmental and societal transition, our strong global network and dedicated partners,  we accompany  your organization in the whole process of change. With the help of relevant tools and proven methods, we guide you to turn your ideas into concrete actions.  


You are looking for innovation coming from your employees within your organization? 

Intrapreneurship Academy is a professional development programmes for employees of organisations moving towards a more agile and entrepreneurial culture.


Design Thinking

You are a creative thinker who want to uncover the vast opportunities?

Today innovation is everyone business. Everyone is expected to innovate And that is why we all need support, guidance, tools and methodologies to better innovate.

Startup Connection

You are looking to grow your startup –

from every stage?

We connect startups and entrepreneurs with strategic stakeholders through relevant and expert services to enable growth and acceleration.



Circular Approach

You are passionate about changing and transforming the Romandie into a more circular approach?

You can benefit from meaningful connections, expert support and guidance, inspiring workplace, local and international exposure.


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