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Zero Waste in Gastronomy – Behind The Scenes

Apr 21st
18:00 - 20:00
Zero Waste in Gastronomy - Behind The Scenes
Please note that this event is bilingual (EN/GE). Veuillez noter que cet événement est bilingue (Anglais / Allemand).

About this Event

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We continue to #InspireAndCreateChange virtually & invite you to our first ONLINE Swiss-wide CET Event, this time powered by our sister Impact Hub in Basel!

More than 2.6 million tonnes of edible products are discarded in Switzerland annually (BAFU, 2019)! In addition, the volume of household waste amounts to around 6 million tonnes per year (BAFU, 2018).

That makes Switzerland one of the largest waste producing and resource using countries worldwide. The food waste and trash created at the consumer stage, namely in restaurants and households, has a significant impact on our climate.

It’s time to have a closer look at how to counteract.



Impact Hub Basel and Café spurlos invite you to learn more about the solutions to cut waste and about best practices in Basel’s gastronomy. We will hear about work and progress, zero waste challenges and successes from Café spurlos, Hotel Gaia, RAK Sustainable Events, and pureTaste. You will have the opportunity to engage into in-person discussion with entrepreneurs and co-create the solutions for their current zero waste challenges.



18.00 Introduction by Olena Bolger (Program Manager CET at Impact Hub Basel, in English)

18.15 Zero Waste story by

  • Tamara Waeber (Café Manager of Café spurlos, in German)
  • Selinda Geyer (Co-Director of Hotel Gaia, in English)
  • Sanja Rakic (Event Manager and Founder of RAK Sustainable Events, in English)
  • Matteo Leoni (Co-Founder of pureTaste, in English)

19.15 Panel discussion moderated by Monisser Altermatt (Research Associate at FHNW for the Zero Waste Innovation Lab, in German)

19.40 Breakout Sessions: co-create solutions with entrepreneurs

20.00 Closing



The link to participate in the online event will be published a few days before the event.



Circular Economy Transition is a pioneer initiative that aims at accelerating the transition of Switzerland to a Circular Economy. It currently takes place in 5 Swiss cities – Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, and Zurich. The program is initiated and being implemented in close collaboration with Impact Hub Switzerland, sanu durabilitas and with the support of the MAVA foundation.


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