Swiss IDG Hub October Gathering – The Limits to Growth+50
We are very excited to welcome a special guest to our next Swiss IDG Hub gathering: Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Vice President of the Club of Rome.
2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the Club of Rome’s landmark report, ‘The Limits to Growth’. This report – first published on 2 March 1972 – was the first to model our planet’s interconnected systems and make clear that if growth trends in population, industrialisation, resource use and pollution continued unchanged, we will reach and then overshoot the carrying capacity of the Earth at some point in the next one hundred years.
During this Swiss IDG Hub gathering we propose to focus on how Inner Development connects with The Limits to Growth concepts and how important inner transformation is for a sustainable future.
The event will be hybrid (in person or online participation possible).
We invite all participants to make a financial contribution (donation) to help us cover basic costs. For those who have already participated in Swiss IDG Hub events, we suggest CHF 15 and for new participants to the group, we suggest CHF 30. These are guide prices only and are not a prerequisite for participation.
Thank you! We look forward to seeing you in person or online on 15th October!
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