CET_Presentation_Laurent Maeder

Are you also wondering what the emerging trend of the circular economy means for your company?

Join a Swiss‐wide, multi‐industrial and thriving community of entrepreneurs, practitioners and decision‐makers

Minimize market, operational, business, and legal risks associated with unsustainable and linear economic practices

Align activities with the SDGs and the low carbon agenda, and tackle environmental and social issues within one framework

Gain recognition, increase your customer base, attract and retain talents

Influence the sustainable economy agenda and regulations in Switzerland

Do you want to get the first mover advantage and explore opportunities in the field of circular economy but don’t know where to start?

Circular building blocks

Develop a common understanding of the circular economy in practice, supported by successful examples of business strategies by international leaders and Swiss pioneers.

Materials, sourcing and the value chain perspective

Explore innovative materials and potential suppliers, assess collaboration opportunities with like minded businesses.

Design for circularity

Invent high quality, long lasting products that create value over time and regenerate the environment after their end of life.

Circular business models

Evaluate business model innovation and the potential benefits of strategies such as leasing, pay per use, digitalisation, etc.

Transition journey roadmap

Identify circular financing options and partners, plan the transformation process towards future fit business.

Circular Economy Business Lab

Deep dive into circular economy:

Get started with a half day workshop on the basics of circular economy, tailored to your industry and region, followed by an interactive exchange with our experts. Location: at your own facilities or Impact Hub locations (Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Zürich).


At your earliest convenience


Brought to you by:

Sanu durabilitas



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A part of the:

Circular Economy Switzerland