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3-day LGBTQIA+ Awareness Course

Sep 2nd - Sep 4th
12:00 - 13:30
Online Event
CHF269 – CHF299

Diversity and inclusion are a very important topic. It is shown that people from the LGBTQIA+ community seek psychological and/or health services more often. They wish for an affirmative and open setting. They do not want to be put in a hetero-cis-binary box in a meditation course, at work, at home or in life in general! I also teach this topic to Bachelor students of applied psychology at applied university in Zurich too.

What’s in for you and your eventual business?

This hands-on course/workshop will…
…guide you through the definitions of sexual and gender diversity.
…help you to understand these minorities and their reality of life better.
…help you how to show awareness, affirmation and openness in your workplace/life.

So, your business will profit, as my friends but LGBTQIA+ people in general are more likely to buy from LGBTQIA+ friendly companies. And your company will eventually profit, as LGBTQIA+ people prefer to work for an inclusive company. And your LGBTQIA+ friends, daughters, sons and the ones in between will profit from your understanding and openness to the topic. A win-win situation for everyone!

September 2nd – 4th 2022, 12:00–13:30 (online session via Zoom, max. 10 participants)

299,00 CHF

Make sure you use the voucher (under „Gutscheincode eingeben“, on the second page of the sales page, where you put in your details, just at the right side) IH2022 to get 30 CHF off!

Want to get to know me and how the course looks like? Just book your free Check-In here or just drop me a line info@dunjakalbermatter.com

Here you find the recorded video (30 min.) of a little Q+A about the course I hold in one of my communities:

To register, click here.

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